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Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

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Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

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In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hair Spa & Its Benefits

The hair of one's reflects the condition of the well being and inner health. Now a days, stress has
become an inseparable part of the daily life as well as a major cause for the health problems. Stress
affects the process of blood circulation to the head and therefore the scalp becomes dry. Besides, it also
adds on sweat and fungus to damage the hair. Polluted particles and dust from the external environment
make the situation worse. In this case, a hair spa treatment can help a person to overcome all these
problems and it relaxes, conditions and rejuvenates the hair and the scalp. A hair spa is also very
effective to bring a natural glow and to make the hair look wonderful. According to the experts, hair
spa is one of the best ways to enhance and to maintain the beauty of the hair.
Everyone desires to have a healthy hair, but often it is seen that we take a lot of effort to look beautiful
but forget to take the proper care of the hair. In this case, hair spa is very much necessary as it helps to
stop the problem of brittle and damaged hair as well as the hair spa can also be a perfect solution for
rejuvenating and nourishing the tresses.
Protecting the hair from the dust and pollution is one of the major concerns which every people has
to deal with regularly. Apart from that, unhealthy foods also add some extra problems to the hair. The
hair spa has emerged as one of the great hair treatments for all the problems of hair and it is offered in
almost every spas and hair salons.

Hair Spa treatment details:

The hair spa treatment is commonly meant to condition the scalp. It is rather a relaxing experience for
the stressed, tired and worn out hair and also a protection tool of the hair from daily pollution, blow-
drying, dry wind etc. The process of spa therapy is mentioned below:

• The method starts with massaging the hair with any herbal or olive oil to get the necessary

• After completing the relaxing massage, the next process of hair spa is to take a steam to open
the pores and to soak the oil in the scalp. Cover the help with a shower cap or towel to get the
best possible results

• Wait for 4-5 hours to get a better result

• Wash the hair with any mild shampoo of any reputed brand and rinse the hair thoroughly

• Apply a good conditioner and comb through the hair

The benefits of hair spa include normalise the secretions of the oil from hair and to stimulate the blood circulation and to increase the cell metabolism. A good spa is also helpful to repair the previous hair damages. In short, it can work like a wonder on the hair.

Aloe Vera for the hair treatment

Apart from being useful for the skin and health treatment, Aloe Vera can also be used for hair care. The herb has a combination of Vitamin E, Keratin and Panthenol.These
elements conditions the hair and make it shiny. Moreover, Aloe Vera provides strengths to the scalps and proteins to the hair. A thorough massage of Aloe Vera mixed with the hot oil in the hair can be a great treat. This massage would control the hair fall and also stimulate the process of hair growth.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Treatment To Cure Dandruff

Dandruff is a kind of skin disorder that impinges the scalp। It is the condition where dry and white flakes of white skin shed from scalp. Commonly, the dead skin cells shed from the scalp, but it leads to dandruff when thick coatings of the dead skin fragments shade down from the scalp. Seborrhoea or seborrheic dermatitis is the disease of sebaceous glands that impinges the scalp. Seborrhoea creates dandruff and also a itchy, red scalp. Rarely the dandruff result in baldness or hair loss. Though, severe amount of Seborrheic dermatitis can lead to patchy baldness.

What are the root causes of dandruff?

There are various causes of dandruff, some of the common causes are:

* Emotional problems

* Unclean habits

* Exposure to very cold

* Hard shampoos

* Excessive consumption of sweet and oily foods.

The only treatment of dandruff or seborrhea is aimed at the fighting of skin inflammation. It can be be done either directly by using the cortisone-based lotions and creams or by reducing the amount of the yeast which adds the problem of dandruff and builds up on the scaly areas.

Precautions one must take to cure dandruff

There are some precautions which one must take to get rid of dandruff. Dandruff is very much contagious. By using some simple steps one can stay out of the contagion of Dandruff. Don't use the comb which any dandruff affected person uses. Dandruff is very contagious.

* If you are using anti dandruff shampoo to get rid of the problem of dandruff, don't forget to wash the comb after you shampoo every time

* Try to wash your hair with shampoo at least once in every week. Make sure that the water does not drip down to your face from the head. It can lead to pimples.

* Pay careful attention to the cleanliness of the hair. Maintain a thorough hair care regimen to make it healthy and clean. It can reduce the problem of dandruff to a large extend.

* Never leave your scalp wet for a longer period of time. Leaving the scalp for a longer time can increase the growth of the dandruff.